Untitled #2 for solo harp

March 29, 2010

Untitled #2 for solo harp is not called such because there is an Untitled #1, but because it’s the 2nd version of the piece.

The piece was begun in November 2009 as a birthday gift for my friend, teacher and colleague Amir Zoghi. I wanted to give it to him at this beach party, but the version I had completed did not, I realized in time, ring with truth. And if there’s one thing art should do, it’s to ring with truth.

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Álmos vagyok (after Bartók)

March 15, 2010

On his birthday my friend Tim called me to talk about Philip Langridge, who had just died from cancer. I was in a cheery mood and there was no reason not to stay that way; when people die, they just disappear from our reality, but nothing’s really happened to them. They’ve just become unfettered to […]

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Power and unhappiness

March 1, 2010

I’ve come to the conclusion that unhappy people are really powerful people who are afraid to use their power. Unhappy people think they are powerless, but deep down they know they are not. Truly powerless people are actually happy. Truly powerless people know that their role in life is to be powerless, and they’re content […]

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Morning Pages

January 12, 2010

One of my absolute favorite things to do is the Morning Pages. I have been writing them since 2002. For me they are a kind of meditation. You could consider them a ‘tool’. When I started using them, I hadn’t yet learned about presence or intuition, but without knowing it, I had stumbled across a […]

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